> NEW MAY 2017 CDOT Position on the use of WMA- May, 2017
> NEW MAY 2017 Colorado WMA Peer Exchange – February, 2017 FINAL REPORT
> Who Is Using Or Allowing WMA?
> Gencor Ultra Foam Test Data.
> Maxam Aqua Black Performance Draft Report – 2013.
> Astec Performance Data With Mechanically Foamed WWA.
> Washington State DOT NCAT Report.
> CDOT I-70 Test And Evaluation Project.
> NCHRP 691 – Mix Design Practices For Warm Mix Asphalt.
> Oregon DOT Give Green Light.
> CDOT Colorado Procedure CP 59-13 – Warm Mix Asphalt Mix Approval.
The CDOT Warm Mix Asphalt Approval Procedure for Warm Mix Asphalt Technology/Contractor Approval.
> CDOT Colorado Approval Procedure CP 59-13 - Warm Mix Asphalt Mix Approval.
Also linked is the current list of Approved Technologies and Approved Contractor/Producers:
> WMA Approved Contractor List.
The CDOT contact on Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) technology and contractor approval is the following:
Michael Stanford - Asphalt Program Manager - 303-398-6576 - [email protected]
> Warm Mix Asphalt Performance Update
Three year results from the use of Warm Mix Asphalt (Foamed) are in on a section of State Route 12 in the state of Washington. According to Kim Willoughby, P.E., Research Manager, Construction, Materials, Bridges, and Maintenance, Washington DOT, "There are very few differences between the hot mix asphalt and the Warm Mix Asphalt (AquaBlack) sections and they are performing equally well."
> Maxam Aqua Black Performance Draft Report - 2013.
> The City of Arvada, Colorado, shot a video about its use of Warm Mix Asphalt as part of its 2012 Overlay and Paving Program.
> Click here to check out - "City of Arvada Gives Warm Mix a Starring Role".
> Paving Crews from CAPA Member Company, APC Construction Co. LLC, can be seen at work on the project
while Project Engineer Keith Uren discusses the environmental benefits of WMA.
> Click here to check out -The "Eco Diary" Feature on YouTube.
City of Lakewood Overlay Program Using The Foaming Technology 2009 to 2012:
2009 - 5,500 Tons
2010 - 28,350 Tons
2011 - 50,755 Tons
2012 - 73,000 Tons
"To date, the experience in Lakewood has been that the performance of WMA is equal or better than HMA as it relates to reveling, cracking, stripping, rutting, construct ability or early deterioration of the asphalt paving materials"
- Chris Jacobsen, City of Lakewood, Public Works
Warm Mix Asphalt Use for Local Agency Projects
The City of Centennial is considering the use of Warm Mix Asphalt as part of the reconstruction of a section of Arapahoe Road.
In discussions with CDOT, the following has been drafted to be included in the bid documents.
The use of Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) is allowed as an alternative to hot mix asphalt provided the following conditions are met.
All in-place Specification Requirements. The WMA Technology proposed and the Asphalt Producer/Contractor are approved as per CDOT Colorado Procedure (CP) 59.
> CDOT Colorado Procedure CP 59-13 - Warm Mix Asphalt Mix Approval.