The RMAEC has specific Policies and Procedures in place for administering the training offered by the RMAEC and the certification session offered through the LabCAT Certification Program. These Policies and Procedures have been developed with the input and guidance from the LabCAT Technical Committee and LabCAT Board of Directors.
The Policy and Procedure Manual is updated from time to time as needed. The 2024 RMAEC Policies Procedures Manual is linked here and supersedes all previously published editions.
The RMAEC would like to thank you for reading and becoming familiar with the Policy and Procedure Manual. We will enforce the policies and procedures stated in the manual.
Our goal is to provide an efficient certification program. We believe a strong certification program strengthens our industry technicians, resulting in a positive impact on our industry.
We appreciate your assistance in circulating this information to your technicians and to your key personnel.
As always, if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely,
De-Certification policy 2017 LabCAT De-Certification Policy (as explained in the full 2024 Policy and Procedures manual) with the "Report Form"
It is the attendee's and/or companies responsibility to understand the Policies and Procedures set forth for the RMAEC and LabCAT Certification Programs when Registrations are submitted.